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[Other Ramsey Legal Cases] Legal Cases
Jefferson County vs
Steve Thomas


[Steve Thomas]
Steve Thomas
June 13, 2001
Bench Warrant for Contempt of Court
Hearing re-scheduled for
Monday July 16, 2001

According to the Jefferson County court, a subpoena was issued for former Boulder detective, Steve Thomas to testify at the trial of attorney Thomas Miller on Wednesday, June 13, 2001. Thomas Miller was charged by a grand jury with commercial bribery for accompanying Globe tabloid editor, Craig Lewis to offer money for the ransom note in the Ramsey case.

Steve Thomas says that he did not personally receive a subpeona. A bench warrant was issued on Steve Thomas for his arrest. Thomas reported that he accompied his wife to Germany on a job assignment on Tuesday, June 12th and he returned on Tuesday, June 19th.

Thomas appeared in court on Wednesday, June 20, 2001 and a motion was filed by his lawyer, Daniel Caplis. It in a sworn affidavit, Thomas said he never received the subpoena, despite a process server's allegation he was served. Thomas said he showed up for previous court dates when subpoenaed.

Steve Thomas appeared in court Monday, June 25th to argue that he was never served with the subpoena, so an arrest warrant for him should be quashed. The return of service filed with the court states that he was personally handed the subpoena June 3 at his Arvada home to be in court June 13.

Another hearing on that issue was set for Monday, July 16th to allow Thomas and the subpoena servers time to present evidence and witnesses. But attorney Robert Ransome said at a Monday hearing that the process server left the subpoena on Thomas' doorstep after "some conversation through the door." Ransome represented the private investigator who arranged for the subpoena to be served.

The July 16th hearing was again changed to September 7th because the other party's (Mahoney and private investigator Walter Barrett) attorney quit. The quote made was, "Bob Ransome, who had been representing the two pro bono, said he had to withdraw because of an "irreconcilable and direct conflict" that he learned of Monday night.


Related Steve Thomas Media Links
Date Links to News Articles
07-28-1999The Shapiro Tapes (ACandyRose History Archive)
08-20-1999Thomas Miller Trial (ACandyRose History Archive)
03-29-2001Ramsey vs Thomas (ACandyRose History Archive)
05-10-2001Support Site for Steve Thomas Legal Defense Fund
06-14-2001Miller denies role in plan for ransom note (Thomas and White)
06-17-2001More legal action in Ramsey case (Thomas and White)
06-21-2001Thomas: Drop arrest warrant (Thomas and White)
06-23-2001Open Letter From Steve Thomas
06-26-2001Former Ramsey Friend May Be Jailed (Thomas and White)
06-30-2001Ex-detective says he wasn't served (Thomas and White)
07-01-2001Metro: Could face six months in jail (Thomas and White)


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