. [www.acandyrose.com logo] A Personal Collection of Found Materials
[Caylee Anthony]Caylee Marie Anthony HOMICIDE - Orlando, Florida (R.I.P. 2005-2008)
Age: 2-1/2, Caylee Anthony was reported missing by her grandmother, Cindy Anthony on July 15, 2008. At that time Caylee's mother, Casey, said on the July 15, 2008 911 call that her daughter had been missing for "31 days." Date of disappearance is unknown but the math adds up to last seen as of June 15, 2008. Caylee's body was found in a trash bag on December 11, 2008 along Suburban Drive, Orlando, Florida
Information Call: *Orange County Sheriff's Department 1-407-254-7000* or Crimeline at 1-800-423-8477
Caylee Anthony Murder Trial - June 17, 2011 (Part 1)
From Found Materials Relating To This Murder Trial


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. Friday, June 17, 2011 (Day 32 since Jury Selection - Day 21 since Trial Date) .
. [Casey Anthony Murder Trial]
(#01) Casey Anthony
. [Casey Anthony Murder Trial]
(#02) George and Cindy Anthony in court today
. [Casey Anthony Murder Trial]

Dr. Tim Huntington is a professor at Concordia University in Nebraska and Forensic Entymologist consultant since 2002. Huntington received a phone call from Linda Kenney Baden (former Defense Team) on 12/11/2008 (the day Caylee was found) requesting his services if he would be involved in this case.
. [Casey Anthony Murder Trial]

Dr. Tim Huntington flew to Florida on 12/13/08. He received Entymology report of Dr. Neal Haskell, reviewed some evidence inhouse at the OCSO, collected evidence from Suburban Dr, viewed the 1998 Pontiac Sunfire in July 2010 and saw photos of trash from trash bag found in trunk of Pontiac.
. [Casey Anthony Murder Trial]

Dr. Tim Huntington was sent a box of insect material later that was used by Dr. Neal Haskell when making his opinions. There were also sweepings from the trunk liner of the vehicle he did not received but he did read Dr. Neal Haskell's report regarding the sweepings.
. [Casey Anthony Murder Trial]
(#06) Sidebar
. [Casey Anthony Murder Trial]
(#07) Defense Attorney Jose Baez asked Mr. Huntington if he did a Post-mortem interval (time that has elapsed since a person has died) in this case. No, Dr. Huntington did not. Huntington said Dr. Neal Haskell didn't either but Haskell did say death was consistant with a certain time period.
. [Casey Anthony Murder Trial]

Dr. Tim Huntington said field of Entymology deals with estimating the time of death. He said one would have to assume there was a dead body in the trunk of the car to give an estimate of a post-mortem interval.
. [Casey Anthony Murder Trial]

Dr. Tim Huntington gives the jury a lesson on the birth of a Blow fly. Female lays eggs, first, second and then third step which is larvae development casings which protect them through metamorphosis.
. [Casey Anthony Murder Trial]
(#10) Jose Baez has Tim Huntington give the jury a lesson on the birth of a Blow fly.
. [Casey Anthony Murder Trial]

Dr. Tim Huntington gives the jury a lesson on the various stages of a Blow fly. The various stages depend on developmental rates and then temperatures.
. [Casey Anthony Murder Trial]
(#12) Evidence:
Defense Photo of Dr. Tim Huntington's September 2010 research study.
Photo shows Dr. Huntington's study of dead pigs in trunk of vehicle in Nebraska.
. [Casey Anthony Murder Trial]
(#13) Evidence:
Defense Photo of Dr. Tim Huntington's September 2010 research study.
Dr. Huntington WAS NOT USING a 1998 Pontiac Sunfire but various vehicles donated from the local junk yard in his area in Nebraska.
. [Casey Anthony Murder Trial]
(#14) Dr. Huntington's research project (September 2010) involved having some pigs killed and he placed them in the trunk of the vehicles. The weather was cool and rainy which does suppress insect activitiy but he checked on progress daily.
. [Casey Anthony Murder Trial]
(#15) Evidence:
Defense Photo of Dr. Tim Huntington's September 2010 research study.
This photo is showing a view through back window of same vehicle where dead pig in trunk showing both dead and alive blow flies. Car doors/windows closed, car was sealed.
. [Casey Anthony Murder Trial]

Dr. Tim Huntington said the blow flies show up within minutes to hours when something dead is located by the flies. He clocked 13 seconds as the fastest the blow flies have shown up at a dead animal.
. [Casey Anthony Murder Trial]
(#17) Evidence:
Defense Photo of Dr. Tim Huntington's September 2010 research study.
This photo is showing dead pig in trunk of vehicle. Fly colonization starts first in the head. The black material is decompositional fluid. Huntington talking about the carpet stains.
. [Casey Anthony Murder Trial]
(#18) Prosecutor Jeff Ashton objects saying Dr. Tim Huntington is not an expert on what the fluid stain is in the photo. Huntington said years and years experience of watching animals decompose. Ashton asked if he ever had it analysed and Dr. Huntington said no.
. [Casey Anthony Murder Trial]
(#19) Prosecutor Jeff Ashton objects again when Dr. Tim Huntington said when you have a mat or carpet, the decomposition flued is noticable. A sidebar is called in the court room.
. [Casey Anthony Murder Trial]
(#20) Defense Attorney Jose Baez: "Were you questioned about this study during your deposition?"
Defense Witness
Questioned by Baez:

Dr. Tim Huntington:
"Yes I was"
. [Casey Anthony Murder Trial]
(#21) Jose Baez looking for deposition because Judge said Baez needs to show him Dr. Tim Huntington's report or deposition on what he said about this research study so the judge knows what opinion Dr. Huntingon will be giving.
. [Casey Anthony Murder Trial]
(#22) Jose Baez reading Dr. Tim Huntington's deposition of January 28. 2011 page 31, line 9-17
. [Casey Anthony Murder Trial]
(#23) Prosecutor Jeff Ashton objects to Dr. Tim Huntington testifying about stains, what they look like, what they don't look like. Ashton says Huntington not qualified to do that and didn't say in his deposition that he was qualified to do that.
. [Casey Anthony Murder Trial]
(#24) Attorneys Jose Baez, Cheney Mason and Prosecutor Ashton are reviewing Dr. Neal Haskell's deposition on what he said since this arguement between the defense/prosecution is that Haskell did not identify the stain in the carpet.
. [Casey Anthony Murder Trial]
(#25) Judge finds that the court order was not violated. Huntington was questioned and although some areas were not discussed but the subject was decomposition. Judge did tell Jose Baez to not try and make Dr. Huntington an expert in something that he's not.
. [Casey Anthony Murder Trial]
(#26) Prosecutor Jeff Ashton (questioning for the State): "Can you tell me what your experience is in stain identification on carpets or fabrics?"
Defense Witness:
Dr. Tim Huntington:
"On Carpet or fabrics, my experience is watching, observing dead animals and then the remains of humans that have decomposed on carpets."
. [Casey Anthony Murder Trial]
(#27) Prosecutor Jeff Ashton (questioning for the State): "Have you examined the carpet in this case?" - "are you prepared to render an opinion what the carpet in this case what the stain was from?"
Defense Witness:
Dr. Tim Huntington:
"No (never examined the carpet)" "I don't know I was going to be asked about that."
. [Casey Anthony Murder Trial]
(#28) Prosecutor Jeff Ashton (questioning for the State): "How many of those occasions when you observed stains on carpet where the body is in a bag? Specifically two plastic bags?"
Defense Witness:
Dr. Tim Huntington:
"In my personal experience, zero"
. [Casey Anthony Murder Trial]
(#29) Judge asked Dr. Tim Huntington if he is going to give his opinion about the stain on the carpet of the Sunbird, the car in question? He didn't really answer. Judge asked if he ever testified "in a court of law" and he said no, only in depositions.
. [Casey Anthony Murder Trial]
(#30) Judge Perry asked Dr. Tim Huntington how does he relate talking about the stain to this case. Huntington told the judge he indicated in his report that it was a preliminary report and would provide a final after he reviewed all the evidence. He has not turned in that final report because he doesn't have all the insect evidence.
. [Casey Anthony Murder Trial]

Dr. Tim Huntington told Judge Perry that he was under the impression that he would speaking generalities on what he would expect *IF" there was a dead body in the trunk of the car. Judge said he will not be allowed to testify about the stain in the 1998 Pontiac.
. [Casey Anthony Murder Trial]
(#32) Evidence:
Defense Photo of Dr. Tim Huntington's September 2010 research study.
Photo is a close up of corner of vehicle used in the research. Dr. Huntington said this example is a typical scenero involving insect movement during a decompositional event in a closed container.
. [Casey Anthony Murder Trial]
(#33) Evidence:
Defense Photo of Dr. Tim Huntington's September 2010 research study.
This example shows the maggots that have already pupated, they're a brownish redish, look like seeds, kind of.
. [Casey Anthony Murder Trial]
(#34) Evidence:
Defense Photo of Dr. Tim Huntington's September 2010 research study.
In this example, the maggots are burrowing into the carpet of the trunk liner. He said oftentimes when maggots are in carpet that they will pupate in the carpet.
. [Casey Anthony Murder Trial]
(#35) Evidence:
Defense Photo of Dr. Tim Huntington's September 2010 research study.
Photo shows more maggots burrowing into the trunk liner carpet. Dr. Huntington said photo shows the decompositional ring that comes from the body.
. [Casey Anthony Murder Trial]

Dr. Tim Huntington said decompositional fluid is very greasy, sort of like burnt melted Crisco in a can. Once the fluid soaks into a carpet, Huntington says it can't be removed even by professional cleaners. He said normally the carpet would be destroyed.
. [Casey Anthony Murder Trial]
(#37) Prosecutor Jeff Ashton objecting because Huntington talking other case history and Judge reminds him to just get to the point. Dr. Huntington is saying carpets in the junk car used for this research had to be destroyed because the decompositional fluid can't be cleaned.
. [Casey Anthony Murder Trial]

Dr. Tim Huntington said what he learned from this research project (September 2010) is that the barrier of a car, this case the trunk of a car, poses very little barrier to insects that colonize bodies.
. [Casey Anthony Murder Trial]

Dr. Tim Huntington said there were no early colonizers (The Blow Fly) in the trunk of the 1998 Pontiac Sunbird. Inside the trash bag that was inside the trunk there was a leg of what Dr. Neal Haskell assumed to be a Blow Fly leg. Huntington said one leg of a blow fly doesn't mean anything because there should be hundreds.
. [Casey Anthony Murder Trial]
(#40) Judge standing outside his chamber door after telling everybody they are taking a break for lunch
. [Casey Anthony Murder Trial]
(#41) Defense Attorney Jose Baez says that it appears Prosecution is going to inquire about Dr. Tim Huntington being a student of Dr. Neal Haskell. Defense says they object to that type inquiry as though putting some label of "master/student" type of thing.
. [Casey Anthony Murder Trial]
(#42) Prosecutor Jeff Ashton is telling the judge that who Dr. Tim Huntington studied under (Dr. Neal Haskell) should have been part of his qualifications to testify as an expert.
(NOTE: That info was not included in Dr. Huntington's list of education asked by Jose Baez)
. [Casey Anthony Murder Trial]
(#43) Judge says it depends on whether the qualifications of Dr. Neal Haskell are attempting to be disqualified. If it does then the rule is that the State can boaster. Jose Baez says there are no plans to disqualify Dr. Neal Haskell's qualificaitions.
. [Casey Anthony Murder Trial]

Dr. Tim Huntington said the paper towels that were recovered from the trash bag did contain a number of humpbacked ("coffin fly"), aka Phorid or scuttle flies that had empty cocoons.
. [Casey Anthony Murder Trial]

Dr. Tim Huntington said there was no live material on the paper towels, just the casings. He said it was not unusual for the flies to hide in paper towels.
. [Casey Anthony Murder Trial]

Dr. Tim Huntington said inside the trash bag that was in the trunk of the 1998 Pontiac Sunfire had "a number of cans" of tobacco spit, and since that's a body fluid that decomposes itself, he believes that is what attracted Phorid flies.
. [Casey Anthony Murder Trial]

Dr. Tim Huntington said it appeared there was a piece of meat he saw in the PHOTOS of the contents of the trash bag. He said the dried up piece of meat was inside a balogna container. But Huntington believes the "tobacco spit" was the primary attraction.
. [Casey Anthony Murder Trial]
(#48) Evidence: Photo of contents of trash bag collected by OCSO CSI from inside trunk of 1998 Pontica Sunfire.
Photo displayed here is showing trash contents before sorting (left photo state exh#128) and after sorting spread out on the table (right photo state exh#133).
. [Casey Anthony Murder Trial]

Dr. Tim Huntington said he had VISUAL access to both trash photos showing in (left photo state exh#128) and (right photo state exh#133) but spent more time looking at exh#133. Huntington said flies would be attracted to wet garbage more than dry garbage.
. [Casey Anthony Murder Trial]

Dr. Tim Huntington said there was pupae attached to the Velvetta box, a dryer sheet, a laundry stain stick, a piece of paper, which, in his opinion the pupae are not necessarily feeding on what they're attached to.
. [Casey Anthony Murder Trial]

Dr. Huntington said what was missing at the Suburban Drive crime scene were the early colonizing flies. Huntington said the Blow Flies being absent is unusual on a body recovered outdoors. This tells him the body had been moved from another location to Suburban Drive. It shows a port mortum movement, he said.
. [Casey Anthony Murder Trial]

Dr. Tim Huntington was asked by Jose Baez even if the body was in a couple of plastic bags, would there still be soil stains showing the decomposition? Huntington said "IF" there was a scenero of a body in a couple plastic bags, and if no holes in bags, then he would not expect to see stains in the soil.
. [Casey Anthony Murder Trial]

Dr. Tim Huntington was asked by Jose Baez if there were any early colonizers in the canvas bag? Huntington said the only early colonizers were from the bag it's self. He said there three found. He said "IF" the body had decomposed at the Suburban site then flies would have been in greater numbers.
. [Casey Anthony Murder Trial]
(#54) Prosecutor Jeff Ashton (questioning for the State): "Do you mean to suggest to this jury that the body was fully skeletonized in another location and was then moved?"
Defense Witness
(Cross by State):

Dr. Tim Huntington:
"No Sir, I did not say that."

Continued Part 2

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