1 minutes 35 seconds (233 kb file) (Editor and Publisher comments - July 24, 1999 issue): "Here's an example that refers to a heart allegedly found drawn on JonBenet's hand after she was murdered. How that reported heart got on her hand remains a mystery. But, Shapiro discovers a letter signed by Patsy Ramsey that had a heart next to her signature" (ACandyRose RECAP): Joe Mullins is talking to Jeff Shapiro about an article he was writing regarding a letter that Patsy Ramsey had signed that included a heart. Mullins asks where the original letter is and Shapiro tells him that he has it and Mullins suggests that he fax it over right away to go along with the story but then Shapiro also informs Mullins that he gave a copy of the letter to somebody in the Boulder Police Department and Mullins is not happy to hear that Shapiro was giving stuff to the BPD before he was showing it to the Globe. (Note: Several peoples names are bleeped out of this audio file) Mullins: And in your story you mention the, uh, an article by Patsy, which she signed it with a heart. Shapiro: Correct. Mullins: Where is that? Shapiro: I have that. Mullins: Well, why don't you send that? Shapiro: OK Mullins: Send that over. That may make the story. Where does that come from? Shapiro: That was something that (deleted) (deleted) have. She found it in her back records or something. He didn't notice the heart really, but I did and I took it down to Boulder PD a few days ago and, uh, (deleted) followed up on it because he thought it was interesting. Mullins: Listen, you mustn't be fucking giving things to other people before we see them. Shapiro: I just gave it to the cops because I wanted to see if they were going to… Mullins: Oh, yeah, you, stuff. We look at stuff first. Shapiro: All right. Mullins: Does (deleted) know that you've given it to the police? Shapiro: No. Mullins: Does (deleted) know? Shapiro: Not that I know of. Mullins: Who has the original? Shapiro: I guess (deleted). I don't know. I didn't ask. I just had a copy of it and I, just, you know, didn't say anything more about it because I didn't want anyone else to talk about it. But at least the cops followed up on it so now we can say that, you know, the police are investigating it. END