[ACandyRose Logo] A Personal view of the Internet Subculture
Surrounding the JonBenet Ramsey Murder case

This web page is part of a series covering found materials regarding individuals, items or events that apparently became part of what is commonly known as the vortex of the JonBenet Ramsey murder case Christmas night 1996. The webmaster of this site claims no inside official Boulder police information as to who has been interviewed, investigated, the outcome or what information is actually considered official evidence. These pages outline found material which can include but not limited to materials found in books, articles, the Internet, transcripts, depositions, legal documents, Internet discussion forums, graphics or photos, media reports, TV/Radio shows about the JonBenet Ramsey murder case. Found materials are here for historical archive purposes. (www.acandyrose.com - acandyrose@aol.com)
This webpage series is for historical archive and educational purposes on found materials

Evidence - An uncashed check
by dish rack in back hallway

John Ramsey said it was a check from Jay (Elowsky?)
That had not been deposited as yet


[John Ramsey, June 1998 Interviews]1998-06-23: John Ramsey Interrogation by Lou Smit and Mike Kane
(Screen Capture from "CBS 48 Hours Investigates - Searching for a Killer" 10/04/2002)

John Ramsey Interrogation by Lou Smit and Mike Kane
Present also were Bryan Morgan, PI David Williams
June 23, 24, 25, 1998 - Boulder, Colorado


June 1998 John Ramsey Interrogation by Lou Smit and Mike Kane (Check on counter)

23 LOU SMIT: Perhaps 66 is a
24 photograph of a check. Do you recall that?

25 JOHN RAMSEY: Yeah. I had in


1 effect loaned Jay that money, when I bought his
2 building. And he paid me back. I just hadn't
3 deposited it.

4 LOU SMIT: Do you know where that
5 was located?
6 JOHN RAMSEY: I think that was,
7 looks like it was the dish rack in the back
8 hallway, right there. About that little table.
9 LOU SMIT: Okay.
10 JOHN RAMSEY: Some checks or
11 something on the table.

June 1998 John Ramsey Interrogation by Lou Smit and Mike Kane (Check on counter)

[Patsy Ramsey, June 1998 Interviews]1998-06-23: Patsy Ramsey Interview (Thomas Haney, Trip DeMuth)
(Screen Capture from "CBS 48 Hours - Searching for a Killer" 10/04/2002)

Patsy Ramsey Interrogation by Thomas Haney and Trip DeMuth - Present also were Patrick Burke and Ellis Armistead June 23, 24, 25, 1998 - Boulder, Colorado


June 1998 Patsy Ramsey Interrogation by Thomas Haney and Trip DeMuth (Check on counter)

21 TRIP DEMUTH: That was 65. Now look at photo
22 66; do you recognize that?

24 Jay Olenski, (phonetic) but I don't remember seeing
25 that.

1 TRIP DEMUTH: Is that on the shelf there?
3 TOM HANEY: I think it is upside down.
4 PATSY RAMSEY: It looks like it might be.
5 John could stack mail there to take out to the office.
6 Trying to see. This looks like a desk. This is some
7 kind of lip. Okay. The living area again, looking in
8 JonBenet's room. The fire (inaudible).
9 TRIP DEMUTH: It might be part of the clock.
10 PATSY RAMSEY: The red and green. Red and
11 black or something. A sock.

June 1998 Patsy Ramsey Interrogation by Thomas Haney and Trip DeMuth (Check on counter)


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